X/Twitter will remove Circles by Oct. 31

X/Twitter will remove Circles by Oct. 31

Twitter has said that the Circles function will be turned off. The feature will be “deprecated” by the end of next month, which will change how users share information on the platform in a big way.

By October 31, 2023, Twitter/X users can no longer limit their posts to a group of “friends” they choose. Also, you won’t be able to add more people to these groups. Instead, all future Twitter/X posts, whether business messages or personal thoughts about any subject, will be available to followers and the general public.

Users can still make their whole Twitter/X profile private so that only their followers can read and connect with their posts, but there will no longer be a way to choose which followers can see which posts.

Read also: Musk plans to charge for X (Twitter)

What it means for Twitter users

Unknown fate of earlier Circle posts. Ideally, these posts will remain private to their original recipients. However, these posts could become public, disclosing personal thoughts, media, and private discussions to employers and the public.

Twitter’s elimination of Circles may indicate a shift towards a more open and public platform where users’ content is automatically accessible to a broader audience. However, Circles users who desire secrecy and exclusivity may be concerned.

Musk has added several new features and improvements to Twitter since taking over and rebranding it as X to monetise the network or align it with his concept of free speech and ultimate freedom for all.

Musk addressed the company’s financial troubles in July, adding, “We’re still negative cash flow due to a ~50% drop in advertising revenue and heavy debt load.” Before anything else, we need healthy cash flow.”

The startup prepared to launch Custom Likes, Hashmoji, and Hashfetti. These branded tools will transform how companies and advertisers interact with their audiences, matching X’s objective of enriching interactions and increasing engagement and dialogues.

Twitter rebrands, increases income despite 4% weekly user loss

Musk has said X may institute a paywall for all users. Musk noted in a live stream on X with Benjamin Netanyahu that this measure is intended to combat bots on the platform.

“The single most important reason we are moving to a small monthly payment for the X system is it is the only way I could think of to combat vast armies of bots.”

He thinks that the platform can reduce the effect of these automated accounts by adding a payment system and prioritizing the posts of premium users.