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Twitter plans to delete inactive accounts 

Elon Musk has announced that Twitter is deleting accounts that have been inactive for a long time. The move comes as Musk tries to ramp up engagement and opportunities to make money.

In a tweet, Musk stated that accounts with no activity for several years would be purged, leading to a decrease in follower count. 

This decision was made as Musk aims to increase engagement and revenue on the platform, which he acquired for $44 billion last year. 

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Twitter’s decision is not new

Twitter’s decision to purge inactive accounts is not a new one and has been done periodically over the years. However, the recent announcement by Elon Musk suggests that this current purge might be more extensive than previous ones.

Inactive accounts are those that have not been logged into or used for a significant period. The exact length of inactivity that Twitter considers to be inactive has not been disclosed.

Benefits for Twitter

The move to purge inactive accounts can have various benefits for the platform.

First, it frees up usernames that were previously taken by inactive users, making them available for new users to claim. This can help Twitter attract new users who might have previously been deterred by the unavailability of their preferred usernames.

Second, it can help Twitter clean up its user database and remove any fake or spam accounts. By doing so, the platform can improve the accuracy of its user statistics, which is critical for advertisers who rely on accurate data to target their campaigns.

However, the downside of purging inactive accounts is that it can lead to a decrease in follower counts for some users, particularly those who have accumulated followers but have not used their accounts in a while.

Overall, Twitter’s decision to purge inactive accounts is aimed at improving the platform’s overall health and can have positive outcomes for both users and advertisers.

Reactions to the Twitter decision

Twitter’s decision to purge inactive accounts has generated a range of reactions from people.

Many users have expressed support for Twitter’s decision, seeing it as a necessary step to clean up the platform and remove inactive or abandoned accounts. They believe that this purge will lead to a more accurate representation of active users and enhance the overall user experience.

Some individuals are concerned about the potential loss of valuable content and digital legacies associated with inactive accounts. Accounts belonging to deceased individuals or historical figures may contain valuable information or serve as a digital memorial. The deletion of these accounts raises questions about preserving digital history and personal connections.

Twitter’s decision to free up inactive usernames for reuse has caused frustration among users who had been hoping to acquire specific handles. Some users spent considerable time and effort trying to obtain certain usernames, only to find them unavailable due to inactivity. This has led to disappointment and annoyance for those who missed out on their desired usernames.

The purge of inactive accounts has affected follower counts for many users. Some individuals have seen a significant drop in their follower numbers as a result. While this purge aims to remove fake or inactive followers, it has inadvertently impacted genuine users who had inactive followers in their count. This has caused disappointment and frustration for those who value their follower metrics.

Despite Twitter’s intentions, there are skeptics who question the effectiveness of purging inactive accounts. They argue that it may not address the underlying issues on the platform, such as spam, harassment, or the spread of misinformation. Critics suggest that Twitter should prioritize other measures to improve user experience and address more pressing concerns.

On the positive side, some individuals see the account purge as an opportunity for new users to join the platform and acquire usernames that were previously unavailable. This may attract fresh voices and foster increased engagement within the Twitter community.

Twitter’s decision to purge inactive accounts has evoked a mix of support, concern, frustration, scepticism, and opportunities. The long-term impact and effectiveness of this decision remain to be seen as the platform continues to evolve.

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Other decisions Twitter has taken

Since acquiring Twitter, Musk has made various changes, such as staff reductions and the removal of free verification checkmarks, which have resulted in negative reactions from users and advertisers. 

In late April, Twitter reinstated blue verification checkmarks on some high-profile accounts, which was met with protests from many recipients.

 Musk mentioned that he was paying for some subscriptions personally at the time, and some official media accounts regained their verification checkmarks, including AFP, which did not subscribe to Twitter Blue.