TECNO, UNHCR support African refugee's higher education

TECNO, UNHCR support African refugee’s higher education

TECNO has announced a stronger relationship with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to support the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative’s (DAFI) Refugee Scholarships Programme for a second year.

The cooperation provides higher education and internships to African refugee scholars. This will help them succeed as adults and give everyone equal school access.

“TECNO keeps giving back to the areas where our business is,” stated TECNO General Manager Jack Guo. 

With a greater relationship with UNHCR in the DAFI programme, we continue to help more young refugees go to college, learn, and obtain skills to build a better life for themselves, aid their communities, and work together for a better Africa.

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In 2022, 19.1 million more people were forcibly displaced. Higher education restores hope and dignity to displaced people.

DAFI scholarships refugee undergraduates worldwide. By giving students greater possibilities to gain academic credentials, build knowledge and skills for employment and entrepreneurship, and empower students to contribute to host communities during displacement and upon return, the programme fosters refugee self-reliance.

TECNO and other partners helped 2,533 refugee students receive DAFI scholarships in 2022, increasing the refugee tertiary education enrollment rate from 3% in 2020 to 6%.

The renewed agreement will help 20 more refugee scholars pay for tuition and other necessities like books and transportation. If national policy allows and qualifications meet, TECNO will offer refugee students internships at its African divisions or subsidiaries.

UNHCR and TECNO have supported refugee education since 2020. From Educate A Child (EAC) to improve refugee children’s education in Africa, ensuring their right to education and contributing to equal education for all, to the DAFI scholarship to increase young refugees’ access to tertiary education and employment,

UNHCR China Representative Vanno Noupech lauded TECNO. “UNHCR welcomes this renewed partnership.” Tertiary education invests in tomorrow’s leaders and role models and their communities. We hope other businesses like TECNO will work with UNHCR to overcome refugee education gaps and build solidarity.”

The longest-running refugee higher education scholarship programme is UNHCR’s DAFI. 21,000 refugee adolescents received higher education from DAFI. 55 nations adopted DAFI in 2021. DAFI’s programme includes 34 African nations.

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UNHCR and TECNO info

UNHCR is a global agency that saves lives, preserves rights, and improves the lives of refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people. UNHCR shields refugees from violence and persecution. 

It safeguards human rights, provides housing, food, and water, and helps people construct a better future in a safe environment. UNHCR gives stateless individuals nationalities. 

For almost 70 years, the group has worked with governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the private sector to help tens of millions of individuals restart their lives. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to UNHCR in 1954 and 1981.

TECNO is a multinational technology brand with operations in over 70 countries. By aggressively merging modern, beautiful design with the latest technologies, TECNO has changed the digital experience in increasing worldwide markets. 

Today, TECNO leads its target markets with cutting-edge smartphones, smart wearables, laptops, tablets, HiOS operating systems, and smart home solutions. “Stop At Nothing” is TECNO’s brand essence, unlocking cutting-edge technology for forward-thinkers. TECNO’s smart, stylish products inspire consumers worldwide to be their best.