Tanzanian VPN users risk 12-month prison sentences

Tanzanian VPN users risk 12-month prison sentences

Tanzania’s Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has made VPNs illegal all over the country. This is because of Regulation 16(2) of the 2020 Electronic and Postal Communications (Online Content) Regulations, according to a source.

The official goal of this decision was to stop Tanzanians from accessing illegal material, but it has caused a lot of questions and concerns, and citizens and digital activists have responded firmly.

A different story says that the TCRA wants people and businesses that use VPNs to tell them about it and give all the necessary information by the end of the month. Furthermore, they need to have IP numbers.

A violation of the VPN ban carries severe penalties. Violators face a 12-month prison sentence or a TSh 5 million fine (USD 1,997).

Read also: 8 Best VPNs In Nigeria 2022: Speed, Streaming & Privacy 

What are the implications?

Virtual Private Networks are greatly affected by TCRA crackdowns. VPNs are used worldwide to safeguard internet privacy and security. They make online spying difficult for nefarious guys.

By requiring VPN authorisation, the TCRA compromises Tanzanians’ internet privacy. The government may closely monitor what people and companies do online, which might increase monitoring and limit freedom of information.

This makes people wonder if the country’s freedoms are being constrained and reduces VPN use. Tanzanians may soon face legal consequences for something that helped them get free internet.

Why are these laws new?

Other than the regulator’s explanation, this law’s purpose is unclear. One reason for the VPN block may be government restrictions on information flow. People can bypass government censorship and access prohibited content with VPNs, which could harm the establishment.

Additionally, the government may acquire data on VPN users to monitor their internet activities. A broader approach to stifle dissent or preserve political authority may include this. VPNs could be banned to increase government control over online content and communication.

Many digital activists and civic society have criticised the VPN ban. This censorship violates Tanzanians’ access to information and internet privacy.

Legal VPN users must now apply for permits, which may compromise their online security and privacy.

How to protect your private and data while using Internet browsers

Africa contains more than just this one nation.

Some countries in the region don’t allow VPNs, including Tanzania. A 2011 story said Uganda, a neighbour, has a Social Media Tax. However, the Ugandan Communications Commission (UCC) claimed VPNs were used to avoid taxes.

The government knows when someone connects to a VPN, but how? The Ugandan government claimed in the report that while conditions are harsh, there is technology to halt VPNs.

VPN bans in Tanzania raise questions about the trend of authorities restricting internet access. Tanzania’s VPN prohibition has a significant impact on internet freedom and safety.

The government claims that this is due to regulations, but the move appears to be being made to maintain control over online activity and information flow.