NITDA warns against digital security threats in Nigeria

NITDA to initiate Code of Practice on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has disclosed its efforts in drafting the Nigeria Code of Practice on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

The spokesperson of the agency, Mrs Hadiza Umar, revealed this in a recent interview.

According to her, Nigeria already has a national policy for AI, but the absence of a code of practice has been a pressing concern.

“On AI, as I said earlier, we have drafted the National Artificial Intelligence Policy that is yet to be approved. Also, the agency is already working on drafting the Nigeria code of practice for AI.” She said.

Read also: South Africa introduces Artificial Intelligence Industry Association

Addressing Concerns and Risks of Nigeria’s Unique AI Landscape

Mrs Umar highlighted that Nigeria, with its unique circumstances, cannot simply adopt the codes of conduct followed by the European Union (EU) or the United States. However, the country can draw upon the experiences of these regions to tailor its own code of practice to meet its specific needs and challenges.

“Nigeria cannot adopt the EU and US codes of conduct due to our peculiar situation. But we can leverage theirs to perfect ours to suit our situation.” Umar said.

According to her, the development of the Nigeria Code of Practice for AI has become crucial in light of the growing concerns surrounding the risks associated with the use of AI, particularly with the emergence of ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI. 

The agency recognizes the importance of ensuring that the country is adequately prepared to handle emerging technologies and effectively mitigate potential risks.

Drafting the National Artificial Intelligence Policy

Mrs Umar mentioned that alongside the code of practice, NITDA has also drafted the National Artificial Intelligence Policy, which is currently awaiting approval. 

This policy will serve as a comprehensive framework for the ethical and responsible use of AI across various sectors in Nigeria. It aims to provide guidance and promote the adoption of AI technologies while ensuring the protection of citizens’ rights and interests.

The Role of the Nigeria Code of Practice

The Nigeria Code of Practice on AI will complement the national policy, offering practical guidelines and standards for the deployment and management of AI systems within the country. It will address specific concerns related to data privacy, security, transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI applications.

The code will promote a responsible and inclusive approach to AI adoption, fostering innovation while safeguarding societal well-being.

The introduction of the Nigeria Code of Practice on AI will strengthen the governance of AI technologies within the country. It will encourage AI developers, service providers, and users to adhere to ethical standards and best practices, fostering trust and confidence in AI applications. The code will play a vital role in shaping the future of AI in Nigeria, promoting responsible innovation while ensuring that AI benefits all segments of society.

Consultations and Collaborations

To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive development process, NITDA plans to engage various stakeholders, including industry experts, researchers, policymakers, and civil society organizations. These consultations will help gather diverse perspectives and expertise, enabling the code of practice to reflect the needs and aspirations of the Nigerian society as a whole.

With the initiation of the Nigeria Code of Practice on AI, NITDA demonstrates its commitment to shaping the ethical and responsible use of AI technologies in the country. By tailoring the code to suit Nigeria’s unique circumstances, the agency aims to address concerns related to AI and establish a robust framework for the development, deployment, and management of AI systems.

Through collaborative efforts and inclusive consultations, NITDA endeavours to foster a thriving AI ecosystem that benefits Nigerian citizens and contributes to the country’s socio-economic growth.