Nigeria to create one million digital Jobs in association with Korea

Nigeria to create one million digital Jobs in association with Korea

In an era where technology is rapidly reshaping the global economy, Nigeria is positioning itself to empower its youth through digital jobs. 

Recognizing the potential of the digital sector to drive economic growth and create employment opportunities, the Bola Tinubu-led administration has set a target of generating one million digital jobs. 

This ambitious initiative aims to transform the lives of Nigerian youth, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age.

Vice President Kashim Shettima recently announced the ambitious plan of the Bola Tinubu-led administration to generate one million jobs in the digital sector. 

Speaking during a meeting with a delegation from the Republic of Korea, Shettima emphasized the importance of digital skills training for Nigerian youth and expressed the nation’s desire to leverage the opportunities in the digital world.

The Vice President also reaffirmed Nigeria’s commitment to enhancing relations with Korea, particularly in the areas of trade, technology transfer, and global peace.

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Digital Skills Training and Job Creation

Highlighting Nigeria’s demographic advantage, with 75% of the population below the age of 35, Vice President Shettima emphasized the urgent need for digital skills training to equip the country’s youth for the future.

He called for partnership in this endeavour, citing India’s success in earning $120 billion from global outsourcing last year. 

Nigeria aspires to replicate this achievement and tap into the digital sector’s potential. Shettima recognized the significance of technology and emphasized the country’s readiness to embrace Korean technology to drive this job creation process.

Nigeria-Korea Bilateral Relationship

Nigeria and Korea enjoy a strong bilateral relationship based on mutual trust and cooperation. Vice President Shettima praised Korea’s achievements in manufacturing and agriculture, expressing Nigeria’s desire to learn from its success story. 

He acknowledged Korea’s support for Nigeria in international forums and expressed the country’s commitment to reciprocate by facilitating Korean businesses operating in Nigeria. 

Shettima pledged that the government would streamline processes to make it easier for Korean businesses and other foreign investors to operate in Nigeria, thus encouraging further economic collaboration.

Korea’s Special Invitation and Tinubu’s Commitment

During the meeting, the Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Korea, Mr Jang Sungmin, conveyed a special invitation from President Yoon Suk Yeol to Nigerian President Bola Tinubu. The invitation was for Tinubu to attend the forthcoming Africa-Korea Summit to be held in South Korea. 

Vice President Shettima assured the Korean delegation that Tinubu would honor the invitation, emphasizing Nigeria’s eagerness to engage in such high-level gatherings that foster regional cooperation and development.

Nigeria’s focus on creating one million digital jobs reflects the country’s commitment to harnessing the potential of its young population and capitalizing on the opportunities offered by the digital world. Vice President Shettima’s meeting with the Korean delegation not only emphasized the importance of digital skills training but also showcased Nigeria’s determination to strengthen its bilateral ties with Korea. 

The Vice President expressed Nigeria’s eagerness to learn from Korea’s successes in manufacturing and agriculture while ensuring support and ease of business operations for Korean enterprises in Nigeria. President Tinubu’s commitment to attending the Africa-Korea Summit further signifies Nigeria’s dedication to regional cooperation and progress. By forging stronger partnerships and embracing technology, Nigeria aims to position itself as a major player in the digital economy while fostering mutual growth with its international counterparts.

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Transforming Nigerian Youth through Digital Jobs

The digital revolution presents an unprecedented opportunity for Nigerian youth to participate in the global workforce. However, there exists a significant skills gap that needs to be addressed. 

This initiative will focus on grooming youths in areas such as programming, artificial intelligence, data analysis, digital marketing, and cybersecurity to bridge the skills gap as Nigeria aims to create a workforce that can compete on a global scale.

Digital jobs will not only offer employment opportunities but also enable Nigerian youth to unleash their entrepreneurial potential. The digital economy provides a platform for innovation and creativity, allowing young people to create their own businesses and startups.

 The government is actively supporting entrepreneurship through initiatives such as funding schemes, mentorship programs, and incubation centres. By nurturing a vibrant startup ecosystem, Nigeria aims to cultivate a new generation of tech entrepreneurs who can contribute to economic growth and job creation.

The digital revolution presents Nigeria with a unique opportunity to transform the lives of its youth and position the country as a leader in the global digital economy. By equipping Nigerian youth with digital skills, fostering entrepreneurship, embracing the gig economy, advancing digital infrastructure, and promoting public-private partnerships, Nigeria is laying the foundation for a prosperous and inclusive future. 

The government’s commitment to creating one million digital jobs showcases its dedication to empowering the youth and ensuring their active participation in the digital age. As Nigeria harnesses the transformative power of digital jobs, it will not only unlock economic growth but also unleash the untapped potential of its talented and dynamic youth population.