NABDA unveils ambitious plans for TELA Maize

The Director-General of the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Prof. Abdullahi Mustapha has revealed plans for the commercial release of genetically modified maize, known as TELA maize. This groundbreaking initiative is poised to revolutionise Nigeria’s agricultural landscape and play a pivotal role in the government’s concerted efforts to bolster food security.

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TELA Maize as a catalyst for crop resilience

At a media parley held in Abuja, Prof. Mustapha underscored the urgency of tackling food security challenges, particularly in the face of Nigeria’s population projections exceeding 400 million by 2030. The TELA maize project, a collaborative endeavour spanning over 14 years and involving strategic partnerships with entities like the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) and Bayer Agriculture Nigeria Plc, aims to empower farmers with cutting-edge biotechnological tools. These tools are designed not only to increase crop yields but also to enhance crop resilience and nutritional content.

How Biotechnological solutions transform farming practices

Drawing attention to the success stories of modern agricultural biotechnology, Prof. Mustapha highlighted the transformative impact of two key innovations: Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) cowpea and Bt Cotton. Farmers embracing PBR cowpea reported a remarkable reduction in the necessity for insecticide sprays, dropping from eight to 10 to a mere two. Meanwhile, the introduction of Bt Cotton has redefined cotton farming practices, offering a beacon of hope for the revival of Nigeria’s textile industry. These tangible outcomes exemplify NABDA’s unwavering commitment to harnessing biotechnology for sustainable national development.

Maize Farmers in South Africa Will Benefit from New Agritech Innovation.

Advancing Biotechnological Frontiers: NABDA’s Ongoing Initiatives and Future Prospects

Beyond the successes celebrated, Prof. Mustapha emphasised NABDA’s continuous commitment to pushing the boundaries of biotechnological applications. The agency’s collaborative partnerships, particularly with the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) and the Agricultural Research Council, have paved the way for breakthroughs in harnessing biotechnology for agricultural progress.

As part of its commitment to scientific research, NABDA recently launched the NABDA Journal of Biotechnology Research (NJBR). This publication aims to contribute to reducing post-harvest crop losses through scholarly contributions and the dissemination of knowledge within the scientific community.

The commercial release of TELA maize in 2024 signifies a monumental stride in Nigeria’s journey toward sustainable and resilient agriculture. It is not merely a technological achievement but a testament to the collaborative efforts of NABDA and its partners in steering the nation towards a future where technological advancements are integral to ensuring food security for a burgeoning population. The announcement stands as a beacon of hope, symbolising a collective commitment to leveraging science and technology for the betterment of Nigeria’s agricultural landscape.