Microsoft updates Copilot by integrating OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo

Microsoft updates Copilot by integrating OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo

Though the year is winding down, AI-related news continues unabated. The news of an upgrade to Microsoft’s Copilot AI chatbot was recently announced. Some of the improvements and additions in this version include compatibility with DALL-E 3, an image generator, and OpenAI’s newly published model, GPT-4 Turbo. These updates, set to roll out right before the service’s one anniversary, will supposedly make the service far more useful overall. Having said that, it does make one wonder: do AI chatbots have birthday parties? 

Integrating with OpenAI’s newest large language model, GPT-4 Turbo, is one of the standout features. With the latest edition of the Copilot program, users can take on complicated tasks that were previously within the software’s capabilities. When it comes to data entry, the GPT-4 Turbo can handle up to 300 pages of text, whereas the previous model could only manage 50. This development should lead to more meaningful and pertinent answers to customer inquiries. Just a small group of people are using this integration right now, but more people should be able to access it in a few weeks.

Read also: Microsoft announces new investment in OpenAI to benefit humanity 

Also included in the integration is the latest DALL-E 3 Model. This chatbot ensures that the generated image closely matches the given prompt since it can now produce images with greater precision and quality than before. Customers who use Copilot already have this feature, so they can test it out in a specific area.

When more features are added to Copilot, your experience will be much better. With the addition of a rewrite option to the Inline Compose tool, users may now choose a text block and have Copilot rebuild it using that block. Although this feature could be controversial in a classroom setting (hint: sarcasm intended), it is expected to be accessible to all Edge users soon.

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Addition of Code Interpreter

Also, a newly created feature set called Code Interpreter is helping the programming community. Microsoft may be keeping the details under wraps, but the tech giant has hinted that it will assist with complex tasks like “data analysis, visualization, and mathematics,” in addition to the more conventional coding. The beta version of Code Interpreter is currently available for testing, and a more public release is in the works for the near future.

Lastly, GPT-4 will contribute to the improvement of Bing’s search capabilities. More thorough searches on complex issues will be achievable with the help of this innovation, and the results will be ideal. Microsoft describes the complex technique in an essay posted on its blog. It looks for multiple combinations of a query at once and automatically removes irrelevant material.