InterSAT Renews its Agreement with SES

InterSAT Renews its Agreement with SES for Capacity on the Latter’s Satellite

InterSAT, one of Africa’s largest internet service providers, has renewed and upgraded its SES capacity contract. The multi-year agreement will provide its dependents all over the continent with affordable internet access.

The two companies first partnered in 2010, and during that time, they expanded reliable connectivity services across the African continent, reaching locations that previously had no access to telecom services and bridging the digital gap.

Statement From The CEO Of InterSAT

Giving his statement about the agreement between InterSAT and SES, Hanif Kassam, CEO of InterSAT said: “Together with SES, we have helped empower entrepreneurs to grow, transform and digitize their businesses through the development of smart and custom-made solutions throughout the continent. SES is a reliable partner to work with, and we can always count on their support to provide the best for our customers.”

Statement From The Representative Of SES

Also speaking on the partnership, Caroline Kamaitha, Vice President of Sales Africa at SES, said: “Our partnership with InterSAT has enabled us to pave the way for abundant digital opportunities across Africa by connecting the unconnected in some of the continent’s most underserved locations.

The digital access our services provide is allowing innovative solutions such as smart agriculture and precision farming to address some of the continent’s biggest challenges,”


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By the terms of this agreement, SES’s NSS-12 satellite, located at 57 degrees East, will enable InterSat to securely and efficiently serve its government institutions and enterprise customers.

About InterSAT

Intersat is one of the largest and most respected providers of Internet solutions in Africa providing Internet via Satellite connectivity to some of the leading organizations, government institutions, and the private sector.

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About SES

SES is a Luxembourgish satellite and terrestrial telecommunications network provider supplying video and data connectivity worldwide to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators, governments, and institutions.