inDrive's name-your-price model enters the US

inDrive’s name-your-price model enters the US

InDrive, one of the best online ridesharing services in the world, has entered the US market through South Florida. So, Americans can finally use inDrive’s disruptive name-your-own-price business plan. 

The model will let both customers and drivers have a say in the pricing scheme.

In a press release that was sent out lately, the company that helps people get around in cities said it was happy to have a strong presence in the US finally. inDrive is already in 48 countries and has had more than 175 million mobile app downloads in the past 10 years. It’s the second-most downloaded ride-sharing app in the world after Uber.

Read also: inDrive secures license to operate in Kenya

Adam Warner, the Country Manager for inDrive in the US, said that South Florida was chosen as the company’s first US market because people there wanted more ways to get around. Since ride-share prices are usually high, letting customers and drivers discuss prices is a game-changer.

“inDrive’s peer-to-peer pricing model puts the power in the hands of drivers and riders and makes for a more engaging customer experience. It meets the need for fair pricing and gives people in the community access to reliable transportation.” The company has put a lot of effort into making prices clear, which makes it easier for people to trust the brand.

Since 2012, inDriver has provided many benefits to passengers and drivers. Customers can enter their pick-up and drop-off locations and offer a fare. Drivers can counterbid. Cost, driver rating, and car model let passengers pick multiple drivers.

InDrive’s flexible business strategy allows drivers to earn more or less depending on how many offers they accept. Drivers won’t pay commissions from July 2023 to January 2024. InDrive’s competitors are lambasted for their exorbitant fees, so giving drivers a brief window to keep 100% of their revenues is a fantastic concept. The company has one of the lowest ride-share commission rates (10% global).

Drivers may lose money due to airport charges and highway tolls. “Maintain a minimum ride price to ensure drivers are compensated fairly while passengers benefit from savings on longer trips,” the business stated.

According to Eddy Velasquez, the company likes Miami’s “cultural diversity, thriving nightlife, and beautiful beaches,” as well as its people and transportation needs.

inDrive names Mark Loughran, Group President

Indrive to prioritize  safety in the US

When picking a ride-share company, customers also think about how safe the company is. Last month, Bolt was accused of letting thieves in Nairobi, Kenya, use its app to take people hostage. Some Bolt users said that the app was often used to take people hostage in Nairobi.

InDrive said that potential drivers would have to go through a lot of background checks to avoid security problems. This includes their licences, permits, and records of crimes. As an extra measure, riders can leave reviews of their most recent rides to help other riders choose drivers based on how good their rides were.

Drivers and riders can also look at each other’s information before deciding to take a ride. This makes the system more open. There are also safety measures in the Drive app. For example, riders can let their family and friends know where they are while they are out on a ride. The app also has a panic button to call the police and a help team that works around the clock.