How to land your dream job using LinkedIn's interview prep

How to land your dream job using LinkedIn’s interview prep

LinkedIn! Millions of professionals come together on this platform, work together, and have great success in their jobs because of it.

But wait, LinkedIn is so much more than just an online address book or a digital resume. It’s a powerful tool that will take your interview skills to a whole new level.

Think about it like an interview: this is where our dreams take off or fall flat. To do well at them, you just need to be sure of your skills and understand how a business works.

What do you know? LinkedIn is here to make a difference for the better!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the magic of LinkedIn to improve your interview skills. This guide is here to help you every step of the way, whether you’re a seasoned pro looking for new challenges or a new learner just starting out in the professional world.

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Go to Your Interview Prep page

Click on Jobs on your LinkedIn home page. Then, look for Interview Prep in the menu on the left and click on it to use it. It will open another page with a list of 26 usual questions and a guide for how to answer the first one.

The basic parts include an overview of what kind of person a question is looking for, a framework for your answer, and some extra tips to keep in mind.

Premium members can also look at replies that other LinkedIn users have given. You can read them and change them to fit your own needs and style. It’s something else to think about when deciding if LinkedIn Premium is worth the money.

Choose a Category of Interview question

You will see the Categories button next to the “Common Questions” button. Click it to see 13 more sets of questions based on popular work titles and fields, such as administrative assistant, corporate finance, marketing manager, and software engineer.

Every interview question has its own overview, framework, example answers, and tips. It’s not a bad way to get better at job interviews, even if you’re already working.

Even if the job you’re interested in isn’t on the list, there are some questions that all employers ask for the same reasons. So, look at all of the areas in LinkedIn’s Interview prep and write down the answers you like best. You never know when they’ll be useful.

Learn From Interview Questions, Answers, and Tips

You can use the tools LinkedIn gives you for more than just memorizing answers. They’re meant to help you see things from an employer’s point of view and figure out how to answer best.

For instance, the question “What is your greatest weakness?” is common and quite stressful. Your first thought might be to say that you don’t have any weaknesses, but Interview prep goes into detail about why you should say the opposite.

It tells you to pick a weakness that won’t automatically get in the way of you getting the job. You should also be able to turn it into something good about yourself. The LinkedIn guide shows you how to come up with an answer that is polite, real, and useful. You’ll show that you’ve figured out how to deal with your weaknesses and that the company can count on you.

Read what Interview Prep has to say about different questions and the best ways to answer them. After a while, it should be easy to put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and figure out what they want to hear.

Practice Your Responses in Writing or video

LinkedIn gives you two ways to try answering a question on your own. You can either write your answer or make a movie. Just click the button that says “Practice and get feedback” on any page with an interview question. Your written answer can’t be longer than 2,000 characters, so keep it short and sweet.

Your video will wait three seconds before it begins to record. When you’re done, you can do it again or save it. You can’t use it with LinkedIn’s job-seeker marketing tools, but it’s a great, if strange, way to see and change how you look and sound to interviewees.

Get Feedback to Improve the Content and Style of Your interviews

Preparing for an interview can help you get a job in another way. It can get AI feedback from LinkedIn right away or call one of your contacts to look at your answer. Only video replies can be used for the first choice. Before you hit the record button, you need to turn on the AI response button.

LinkedIn will preview the remarks after recording, then expand on them after the video is saved. A report will show you how many words you say each minute, how your pitch fluctuates, how many filler words you use, and the algorithm’s advice. Contacts can critique written and video practice.

After saving a response, click “Request feedback,” fill in the person’s name, and LinkedIn will help you get their perspective. Your contact could be a trusted friend, an expert in your industry, or a job interview question. Before donating anything, obtain their consent.

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Utilize LinkedIn’s preparation tools to ace your next job interview

If you want to move up in your career with a certain job, find out what companies want from their employees, make a list of the questions they like to ask in interviews, and practice answering them until you can say the right things without thinking about it.

Don’t be afraid to use any tools you can, like a notebook, a mirror, or the features of Interview Prep, to make the process easier. They give you clear, step-by-step advice as well as ways to practice your job interview skills with real people and machines. If this is any sign, LinkedIn wants what’s best for your career.