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Google’s AI programme helps African health-tech firms

Google’s Startup Growth Academy launched AI for Health. A hybrid plan designed to help and speed up the growth of startups that use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology to create tech solutions for the healthcare and wellness industries and improve the health of millions worldwide.

Google’s three-month project shows companies how to use new technology to help solve problems around the world.

It looks for seed-to-series-A startups with a lot of promise in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. It gives healthcare entrepreneurs the AI knowledge, skills, and tools they need to come up with new ideas.

The course will give startups growth skills, Google tools, and plans for going global. Selected startups will get help with business skills, coaching, and networking.

Google says founders will employ data-driven techniques to uncover new customers, business partners, and markets. Google’s Chief Health Officer, Dr. Karen DeSalvo, is committed to working with innovative firms that solve social issues. ” 

For over 10 years, Google for Startups has worked with founders who use technology to solve social challenges. Human-centred AI will help healthcare and medicine, according to the organization.

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The AI for health programme’s eligibility requirements

Startups must be seed- to series-A startups based in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa but looking to scale internationally.

 Startups should use AI to solve problems with health or well-being.

Startups need to have proof of traction, like a clear history of people and money.

Startups must have a product or service that can be scaled up, a large total addressable market, and a growth plan that can be defended.

Benefits for the participating startups

Equity-free: Three months of equity-free support, with access to Google products and resources.

Mentorship: technical consulting and one-on-one support from Google mentors and AI experts

Strategic support on AI, company, and product strategy

Hands-on leadership training designed to improve management skills

Support from mentors and Google teams on new international opportunities to expand your business to new markets

Networking Opportunities: Connect with VCs, industry leaders, and fellow founders. Also, become a part of the alumni network.

AI for Health’s entry process started on May 22 and will end on July 10. After the deadline, the programme’s organizers will meet the chosen startups.

The group will start in September, but the course won’t start until October and will go through December. The group is set to graduate in the middle of December.

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Programme Alumni in Africa

Several well-known African graduates of the Google for Startups scheme have already used AI to help people live healthier lives. Temie Giwa Tubosun, who started and ran LifeBank in Lagos, Nigeria, is a good example of this kind of success story. Tubosun made LifeBank, which is a network of motorcycles and an app that links blood banks to hospitals that need blood quickly.

Using AI technology, LifeBank has made important advances to many parts of the healthcare supply chain, such as blood, oxygen, and medical supplies. 

Since it started in 2016, LifeBank has already saved 20,000 lives, which is a lot.