Esaal, Allianz Insurance to improve Egypt's online cc

Esaal, Allianz Insurance to improve Egypt’s online cc

Esaal, a technology platform for online health and wellness consultations, has launched a partnership with Allianz Insurance, a global insurance services company.

The aim is to change the way online health and wellness solutions work in Egypt.

As part of the partnership, Esaal will provide its one-stop-shop automated healthcare solutions to fully cover the medical, health, and mental well-being services for Allianz Insurance Company clients and employees, starting in Egypt, once the necessary approvals have been given by the right authorities.

Fadi Doss, the founder and CEO of Esaal, said this about the partnership: “We are thrilled to partner with Allianz Insurance Company in Egypt because it will help us solve the problems that patients have getting access to healthcare and, in the end, improve their health and well-being.” We are excited about the new doors this strategic relationship will open for Esaal.

It could be a springboard for Esaal to grow into new areas and offer important health and wellness services to people all over the region.

He also said, “I’d like to thank A15 from the bottom of our hearts for believing in Esaal from the start.” With their important help and advice, they have helped us grow and succeed. Thank you for believing in our mission and for being a part of the Esaal family for as long as you have. He added.

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Esaal’s technology supports safe physical wellness

Esaal’s tech-enabled platform provides a quick, easy, and safe wellness service for physical health, mental health, and nutrition consultations with health professionals via text and video or voice calls. This saves patients time and money and gives them faster access to health professionals at the touch of a button.

The health-tech site offers several doctors and medical professionals who consult on anxiety, physiotherapy, pediatrics, nutrition, and other areas.

Users, who will now include Allianz Insurance clients, enterprises, and employees in Egypt, will have access to a wide selection of health and wellness professionals.

Allianz Egypt seeks to simplify mental health and nutrition counseling for clients and staff. It hopes to do this by forging more partnerships with other MENA success partners.

Egypt’s Esaal-Allianz Insurance Company cooperation will affect healthcare nationally and regionally. The two organizations’ objectives are to prioritize clients’ safety, insurance, and individualized digital treatment, especially in mental health.

The cooperation integrates mental and nutritional advice with conventional insurance, a first in the region.

Users can also use text messages, phone calls, remote consultations, and video chats for secure, dependable counseling. Allianz Egypt, an insurance behemoth, is partnering with Esaal, an Egyptian technology startup, to provide micro-support and health services to millions of consumers across the area.

Since its debut, Esaal has been a major participant in the Egyptian health and wellness sector, as well as in KSA, Iraq, and Tunisia.

Over 650 licensed consultants from various professions have provided health and wellness services to nearly 1 million consumers on the platform. The health-tech startup’s groundbreaking cooperation with Allianz Insurance in Egypt is another accomplishment.

Esaal launched two innovative products last year. “On-the-spot consultation” revolutionizes instant professional consultations. Users can now call or video chat with specialists in real time. This tool lets consumers instantly obtain professional advice and book consultations, making healthcare convenient and efficient.

Esaal added a “free one-on-one assessment” element to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan to promote diversity and social responsibility. After a tailored one-on-one examination, Esaal now offers complimentary consultations.

This effort removes the “cost barrier,” so everyone can get the care and follow-up they need. The combining of mental and nutrition consulting with regular insurance by Esaal and Allianz Insurance Company in Egypt revolutionizes healthcare in the region.

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About Allianz

Since 1890, Allianz has provided insurance worldwide. Allianz Egypt invested in AIIC in 1976. Allianz acquired 85% of AIIC in 2000. Four years later, Allianz fully bought the company, offering life, health, and property insurance to people and businesses through 16 branches and strategic agreements with major Egyptian banks.

About Esaal

Esaal, founded in 2018, connects people with trustworthy health and wellness specialists while protecting their privacy and confidentiality.

Esaal’s large database of qualified professionals solves all mental and physical health problems at a cheap cost.

Esaal offers a unique experience for people who want to live healthily.

Esaal is the leading online health and wellness consulting platform in the region, offering clients a variety of secure online payment options and texting or video calling with their experts.