Edutech transforms African educational sector

Edutech transforms African educational sector

Social media, the internet, and rising technology have connected people worldwide and enabled new business models. As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, technology-education (Edutech) integration has transformed and revolutionised the face of education in Africa through many innovations.

A country’s growth depends on its education, which teaches essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and building relationships. 

However, Africa’s poverty, socioeconomic inequality, inadequate educational infrastructure, and sometimes insufficient learning conditions make quality education challenging. EdTech changed rapidly due to the COVID-19 epidemic, highlighting both the pros and cons of online learning. 

EduTech may help close the digital divide and learning poverty, especially in Africa.

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Challenges Facing the Education Sector

Despite the progress made possible by education, Africa’s education system still needs to improve. Includes:

Low Infrastructure: Many African countries need more stable electricity and internet, which hinders edutech adoption.

Funding: Many African education budgets must be increased to support edutech efforts.

Teacher Training: Teachers need extensive training to integrate technology into their lessons.

Content localisation: Most edutech content is designed for Western environments, making it irrelevant and culturally insensitive in African schools.

The Comparative Charts If you compare how edutech is used in Africa to other continents, you can see that there is progress and room for change.

Recent evidence indicates that Africa lags behind North America and Europe regarding students’ and educators’ access to digital devices and internet adoption.

Conversely, Africa has seen a rapid rise in cell phone ownership and now has better mobile connectivity than any other area.

In Africa, more money is being invested in edutech startups and projects, which shows that more people realise the importance of solving problems in education.

Edutech has the potential to revolutionise education in Africa by providing fresh approaches to old problems. A coordinated effort is needed to bridge funding gaps, enhance infrastructure, train instructors, and establish locally relevant curricula to fulfil the promise. Resolving these difficulties will allow Africa to use edutech to provide high-quality education to all its citizens and boost its socioeconomic growth.

Edutech in Africa

In recent years, the landscape of learning and education in Africa has undergone a significant transformation, thanks to the emergence of educational technology, or edutech. This innovative approach to learning leverages digital tools and platforms to enhance access, quality, and inclusivity in education across the continent. 

From remote villages to bustling urban centres, edutech is revolutionising traditional educational models and empowering learners of all ages to acquire knowledge and skills in new and dynamic ways.

Nigerian students have used Edutech

Nigeria has a large population and a strong need for greater educational possibilities; thus, edutech entrepreneurs are creating commercial solutions to improve education. We have discovered eleven businesses that you ought to be keeping tabs on:

Kodamind: Through the elegance of code, Kodamind ignites the imaginations of young Nigerian brains. Coding, automation, and robotics education in Africa are being made more accessible and understandable through Kodamind programmes, which are centred around CS-STEM concepts, practices, and pedagogy.

FlexiSAF EduSoft: With over 700 clients, FlexiSAF EduSoft offers education management system software solutions, including student data, fee collection, learning management, teacher training, and school administration.

Bridge International Academies: Affordable, high-quality private schools run by Bridge International Academies use technology to teach students a set curriculum and track their development. It began operations in Nigeria in 2015 and now oversees sixty schools in Osun and Lagos.

eLimu: For the benefit of Nigerian students, educators, and parents, eLimu develops curriculum-aligned, user-friendly applications and web resources unique to the African environment.

Gradely: Educators and parents can significantly impact their students’ learning results and help them become more globally competitive with Gradely, a personalised learning platform. Gradely currently has more than 3,500 educators and 44,000 learners.

Passnownow: To facilitate independent study and group projects, Passnownow provides elementary and secondary school instructors and students access to a digital curriculum. Additionally, students can use it to get ready for JAMB, NECO, WAEC, and JSCE.

ScholarX: LearnAM, ScholarX’s mobile learning platform, reaches more than 20,000 students in Nigeria and offers digital and inexpensive education to low-income earners in African languages like Pidgin English, Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo.

Tuteria: Through Tuteria, local students can find private tutors who are both qualified and available. Godwin Benso created this solution to help students do better in school, study for tests, and acquire new talents like playing an instrument or taking pictures.

uLesson: Serial entrepreneur Sim Shagaya established uLesson in 2019. Students in grades K-12 and those studying for the WAEC and NECO exams in Nigeria can find instructional content relevant to their curricula in this smartphone app.

Utiva: Through its fellowship programme, Utiva is preparing the future workforce by allowing adult learners to acquire marketable skills in digital marketing, data science, data analysis, product management, and user interface and user experience design.

Veda: Veda is an all-inclusive cloud-based platform for virtual education organisations that includes mobile and online apps for schools and universities. Educational institutions can better manage their operations, finances, and student and instructor data with the help of this end-to-end system. You can get it on your iOS or Android device.

How Edutech will improve the educational system in Africa 

Despite educational progress, access to a decent education is still a concern in Africa. Traditional educational systems find it challenging to fulfil pupils’ demands due to large geographical areas, limited resources, and increasing populations. However, the recent rise of Edutech, or educational technology, provides an encouraging opportunity. It is uniquely positioned to address these challenges. For instance, in Kenya, the iSchool Africa project has successfully implemented digital textbooks and online courses, significantly improving access to education. 

Similarly, the time platform in Tanzania has revolutionised learning by providing interactive digital content. These are just a few examples of how a wide range of education products, including online courses, virtual classrooms, and digital textbooks, are available to help African educational systems overcome the specific obstacles they encounter. 

Making higher education more accessible

Access is a significant issue in education in Africa. Many students living in rural and underprivileged regions need more adequate educational facilities and resources. Education projects hope to democratise the system of higher learning by making education available 24/7. Online resources and mobile apps allow students to participate in interactive classes, share and access educational materials, and work with teachers and classmates from anywhere. 

Transforming educational trends and innovation 

Edutech is all about personalised and customised learning experiences. Using data analytics and AI, edtech platforms may personalise learning content based on students’ strengths, weaknesses, and preferred learning methods. Not only does this tailored method increase participation, but it also boosts performance in the classroom by filling in knowledge gaps and encouraging in-depth comprehension. 

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Educator empowerment 

Edtech is not just about benefiting students but also about empowering teachers. It equips them with a wealth of instructional materials, including lesson plans and digital tools, readily available for their use. Online professional development courses and training programmes enable teachers to refine their skills and stay updated with the latest methods and tools for the classroom. Edutech strives to empower students by providing teachers with the resources they need to design innovative classrooms that actively engage students, emphasising the crucial role of educators in the educational process and making them feel valued and integral. 

Regarding Africa’s classrooms and education, Edutech is a game-changer. By utilising the revolutionary power of technology, edutech has the potential to alter how education is provided, accessed entirely, and felt throughout the African continent. The potential benefits are vast, including improved access to education, personalised learning experiences, and enhanced teaching tools for educators. However, it’s important to note that there are challenges to overcome, such as the need for reliable internet connectivity and the digital divide in many areas. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of education in Africa are undeniable. 



Modupe Olalere, Lanre Adeniyi, Felicia Akindurodoye, Hauwa Ali, Esther Ajayi