PrivCon Nigeria 2023

Data Protection Stakeholders to speak at ‘PrivCon Nigeria 2023’

The Law Firm of Olumide Babalola LP will organise the first edition of her annual privacy and data protection conference, “PrivCon Nigeria,” on March 22, 2023, at the AGIP hall in the Muson Centre in Lagos, Nigeria. The conference will centre on privacy and data security concerns.

The theme of the conference is “Building Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection Practice for Nigerian Business Community: Stakeholders Role-Playing,” and it will focus on stakeholders in the Nigerian business community. It promises to be a ground-breaking event in which privacy specialists and industry stakeholders will meet, network, and share ideas on a wide range of issues affecting privacy and data protection law and practise in Nigeria.

Read also: Data Privacy and Protection receive more adoption in Africa

PrivCon Nigeria setting for 2023

There are going to be a lot of speakers at the event, including the Honorable Justice Ibironke Harrison, who is a judge at the High Court of Lagos State; Uche Val Obi, who is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria; Prof. Simisola Akintola, who is the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ibadan; Fejiro Hanu Agboje, who is the CEO of Patricia, which is an e-commerce platform; Babatunde (you can view the whole roster of presenters on the website)

Data breaches in Nigeria, their prevention and damage control, sensitive personal data and extra level of protection, and privacy score card in Nigeria are some of the topical issues that will be discussed by stakeholders at the conference. Other important topics include the transfer of data across international borders; the roles of data protection officers; and the success indicators for their work.

The event is being generously supported by Templars Law Firm, Alliance Law Firm, Olisa Agbakoba Legal, Complilearn of Singapore, Ao2Law, Data Protection Awareness Initiative, Lawpavillion electronic law report, Famsville Solicitors, Oguntoye & Oguntoye, DPO Placement & Consultancy Limited, Stakeholders in Blockchain Technology Association of Nigeria, and Digital Rights Lawyers Initiative, amongst other organisations.

The issues with Privacy and Data protection

The protection of personal data is of the utmost significance because it is an essential component of safeguarding the life, integrity, and human dignity of customers; despite efforts to ensure security, there are still certain obstacles to overcome.

Rapid technology improvements pose several privacy and data protection issues. Technology makes life easier, but it also collects and processes a lot of personal data quickly. The Internet of Things allows people to measure their physical activity with wearable fitness monitors, turn on the heat or electricity before they get home, and remotely unlock their doors for visitors.

Another set of issues arises from technology outpacing the law. Many states have data protection laws, however, some are not updated to reflect technological advances. New technology laws are difficult. Most regulations are silent on whether a human driver is required for self-driving automobiles.

Botswana: A new data protection law takes effect.

Data ethics—beyond legal compliance—presents additional hurdles. Today’s data-driven world requires ethical data processing. Algorithmic biases can reinforce social and cultural biases and lead to discrimination. Several national immigration systems incorporate automated decision-making, predictive policing for security, and biometric recognition software at border crossings. Ethically, such projects must be fair, transparent, unbiased and based on strong legal systems.

Despite global regulatory efforts, much needs to be done. If they haven’t already, states should ratify Convention 108 to show they value privacy and data protection. To secure the personal data of all citizens, including migrants, comprehensive national data protection legislation and an independent data protection authority are necessary.

Finally, data protection and privacy are tied to migrant dignity and the right to privacy, autonomy, and control over personal data. Protecting migrant privacy and data is part of the solution.

The first edition of Privacy and Data Protection Conference is a good initiative towards security of data and privacy. Free participation in PrivCon Nigeria is available onsite as well as online; however, those interested must register at the website