Apple to enable hearing aids in AirPods Pro

Apple to enable hearing aids in AirPods Pro

Apple is rumored to be adding new features to the AirPods Pro that will make them work as hearing aids as well. 

Apple is said to be working on a feature that could play different tones and sounds to test the wearer’s hearing. This is one of the features that people are looking forward to. This feature would be like how the ECG tool on the Apple Watch finds heart problems.

The tech company may also add a part that measures the temperature in the wearer’s ear canal to figure out their body temperature. This is already possible with the current Apple Watch models, but it is said that the temperature data collected with the AirPods Pro is likely more accurate.

Apple plans to replace the Lightning port on the AirPods charging case with a USB-C port, which is another improvement. In Marshable’s review, the USB-C port on the AirPods Pro was one of the few things that didn’t work well.

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It is expected that the tech company will send the iPhone 15 with a USB-C port as well. This caused the AirPods’ Lightning port to get scratched. It is not clear, though, if this fix will come before the other new features that are planned.

Gurman, a tech reporter for Apple’s product plans, thinks that the AirPods will be just as important as the Vision Pro, which was just launched. The headset has built-in speakers, but for a more immersive and private experience, they work better with the AirPods Pro.

Apple’s AirPods release

The first set of wireless earbuds from Apple came out on December 13, 2016, and the second set came out on March 20, 2019. 

On October 26, 2021, the third version hit the market. The tech company updated its AirPods Pro in 2022. Every improvement that the company has made to the AirPods Pro has happened every three years.

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Apple’s AirPods Pro: a hearing aid?

People have thought that people are at a disadvantage because of the effects of using gadgets too much. Since the beginning of humanity, technology has been a part of our daily lives. Today, it is an essential part of our lives. 

Studies show that people of all ages blink much less when they are looking at a screen, which dries out their eyes. This has also been said to cause constant migraines. Also, using earbuds or devices that plug into the ears and make any kind of sound for a long time can hurt the eardrum.

As time goes on, it’s safe to say that Apple’s upcoming AirPods Pro features might be a warning sign for the hearing loss problem.