Ensuring business continuity in the event of disruptions like a national strike

Ensuring business continuity in the event of disruptions like a national strike

The saying, ‘no pain, no gain’, has seen a recent demonstration in Nigeria’s past industrial strike action. Despite the good intention of the National Labour Congress to prompt the government to increase the minimum wage in correspondence with the current economy, many businesses suffer since such strikes come with power outages, fuel scarcity, and hikes in transportation due to fuel scarcity.

It’s not unusual for thugs and protesters to target businesses that stay open during a strike. Some forms of property damage experienced include vandalism where there is damage to property, such as broken windows or destruction of equipment.

Intimidation also occurs through threats, harassment, or attacks on customers. There is bound to be violence, which is not limited to physical attacks on employees, customers, or property—looting in the form of theft or destruction of goods and assets. Arson also occurs by setting fires to destroy property.

Read also: Nigeria’s e-hailing drivers strike nationwide

Businesses that choose to stay open during a strike risk retaliation from protesters who view their actions as a rejection of their demands or opposition to the strike. During these times, businesses must put safety first and take measures to safeguard their employees, customers, and property.

This article will focus on how tech companies and other service-rendering companies can remain in operation.

Best operation style for a company during a national strike

During national strikes, companies can benefit strategically by operating remotely. This ensures that their operations and customer service are minimally disrupted and that their employees are safe. Power outages can disrupt remote operations; companies can find alternatives like solar systems.

With power being settled, remote operations in such challenging times would enable the company to achieve the following: 

Ensure workers’ safety: In the event of strikes, workers should be allowed to work from home to avoid risks or confrontations with protesters.

Reduce fuel consumption and lessen the impact of fuel scarcity by doing away with daily commuting.

Increase output: Make the workplace less chaotic so workers can concentrate and keep up the excellent work.

Cut expenses: The business can save money by reducing fuel, power, and other resource expenses.

Keep customers satisfied and loyal: Keep customers happy and loyal by minimising disruptions caused by the strike and ensuring their needs are met.

Gain a competitive advantage: Keep running while your rivals shut down, and you’ll have a huge leg up in the market.

Decrease damage: Allowing workers to work remotely can lessen the likelihood of damage to assets, vandalism, and other hazards associated with strikes.

Improve adaptability: Keep company operations agile and responsive by swiftly adjusting to changing circumstances during the strike.

Customer support: Keep up the good work of providing exceptional customer service, ensuring that customers’ needs are satisfied, and winning back their trust.

Companies can show their resilience and creativity in adversity by embracing remote work and transforming a possible crisis into an opportunity. This way, businesses can weather a nationwide strike better if they put customer service, employee safety, and the continuation of operations first.

How technology can facilitate remote work

During a national strike, businesses can minimise disruptions, maintain operations, and guarantee business continuity by utilising technology and digital solutions. Key technologies that facilitate remote operations are as follows:

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Remote access to company resources through secure, encrypted connections.

Cloud computing: On-demand, scalable access to apps, data storage, and computing power.

Collaboration tools include project management software like Asana Trello, instant messaging tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, and video conferencing tools like Zoom and Google Meet.

Remote Desktop Access: Safe access to company networks and computers from a distance.

Enterprise mobile apps for field operations, customer engagement, and remote work.

Internet of Things (IoT): Supply chains, assets, and machinery can all be remotely monitored and managed.

Artificial intelligence (AI) includes using chatbots for customer service, task automation, and predictive analytics.

Cybersecurity solutions include intrusion detection, encryption, and advanced threat prevention.

Data analytics: Monitoring and real-time insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and business performance.

Virtual and augmented reality offer immersive experiences that can be used for customer engagement, product demos, and remote training.

Apps that enable practical remote work

Some apps can make working remotely more accessible and productive to keep you focused, organised, and in touch with your team. The following apps can be helpful when working remotely:

Todoist: This task management software guarantees that you never forget a deadline and assists you in staying on top of your assignments.

Freedom: When working online, this app helps you stay focused and away from distractions.

Miro: Connect and work together with your team using this digital whiteboard.

Trello: You can monitor your weekly progress with this app.

Evernote: You can take digital notes and manage your tasks with the aid of this tool.

World Time Buddy: This app can help you manage multiple time zones if your workforce is located worldwide.

Zoom: This video conferencing app allows you to hold online meetings and collaborate with a team in real-time.

Slack: This messaging app facilitates file, video, and message sharing while keeping you in touch with your team.

Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and other productivity tools simplify working remotely with Google Workspace.

RescueTime: This software monitors your time on your computer or mobile device, providing productivity data and assisting with focus.

Calendly: This calendar management app facilitates scheduling meetings with clients and coworkers.

Read also: Lights out Nationwide Blackout in Nigeria

In a strike, businesses in service-rendering sectors, such as IT, consulting, and customer support, can quickly shift to remote operations, guaranteeing continuous service delivery and business continuity. By implementing remote work, these businesses can avoid the risks of strikes, such as property damage, vandalism, and worries about worker safety. Employees can work remotely from a secure location, which lowers their chance of harm or injury. 

This operation ensures minimal impact on business operations and revenue by enabling companies to maintain critical functions, like customer support, without disruption. By doing this, businesses show that they care about the well-being and safety of their workers in addition to maintaining customer satisfaction and business continuity. With this proactive approach, businesses can prosper even in difficult situations.


Contributors: Felicia Akindurodoye, Ibukun Bankole