Ghana hosts International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference

Ghana hosts International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference

The 3rd International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (IMDEC), sponsored by Ghana Navy, has been launched at the new dedicated exhibition hall at Burma Camp by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of Ghana Armed Forces. 

The specially constructed space, located inside the Ghana Armed Forces Headquarters in Accra, Ghana, was inaugurated on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.  The new exhibition hall has been created to accommodate the event’s expanding scope.

The first day of IMDEC 2023 included a variety of thought-provoking panel discussions and innovation sessions that highlighted the most recent developments and tactical alliances in maritime defence and security.

The Chief of Naval Staff of the Ghana Navy, Rear Admiral Issah Adam Yakubu, emphasised the importance of IMDEC in strategically bringing together important maritime stakeholders in Africa and stated that it “serves as a platform to reflect on our accomplishments and chart the course for a prosperous maritime future.

” If properly utilised, the blue economy offers solutions to many of Africa’s economic problems. Since rapid digital transformation and developments in onboard technologies demand that African navies put safeguards in place for their systems and operations, we must guarantee that our maritime area is safe and secure for commerce and shipping if we are to realise its potential.

Modern innovations that support naval operations, security, and territory surveillance were presented during yesterday’s IMDEC innovation sessions. Over the course of the two-day conference, professionals from a variety of industries present their perspectives and case studies on the effective use of marine technology.

Arik Rubinchik from Israel Shipyards spoke about the infrastructures for repairing and maintaining commercial and oil and gas ships, while Umut Erdem Klnç from ASELSAN addressed integrated combat system solutions. The discussion was enhanced by a combined Q&A session with the presenters.

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Panel sessions at IMDEC

Unquestionably, a number of panel discussions, including “Regional Collaboration to Secure the GoG: The Concept of Combined Maritime Task Force (CMTF-GoG)” and “Enhancing Collaboration between Maritime Administration and Navies and Coast Guards in the Gulf of Guinea,” highlighted the significance of regional collaboration in no Naval Staff, will keep discussing cooperative strategies to protect the maritime interests of the Gulf of Guinea.

In discussions like “Governing and Resourcing the Maritime Sector to Optimise the Benefits of the Blue Economy: The Case of the Nigerian Deep Blue Project,” industry experts will delve into maximising the benefits of the blue economy as the event goes on today. Panelists, including Dr Bashir Jamoh from NIMASA and Capt. Sunday Umoren from Abuja MoU is slated to stress the significance of governance and resourcing in achieving the blue economy’s promise.

The conference seeks to reaffirm the stakeholders’ dedication to developing Africa’s marine economy. IMDEC acts as a hub of knowledge and advancement, charting the road towards a better, more secure marine environment through interesting panel discussions, instructive lectures, and insightful innovation sessions.

With exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge technologies in maritime security, radars, satellite imagery solutions, and vessels, among other crucial solutions essential for further bolstering the maritime defence capabilities of African navies, the event is a testament to the maritime industry’s dedication to consolidating gains and pursuing a future brimming with opportunities.

IMDEC, which is put on by Great Minds Events, is still the top strategic conference for African navies, coast guards, port and coastal authorities, marine police, fisheries, allied ministries, oil & gas, and other maritime businesses.

More than 700 people from more than 70 countries attended on the first day. Building upon the triumph of earlier editions, IMDEC 2023 will energise regional naval forces and stakeholders to form bold resolutions against maritime threats, reinforcing Africa’s promise for a safe and vibrant blue economy.

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About the International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference

The International Marine Defence Exhibition and Conference (IMDEC) is a prominent forum that brings together important players from the marine sector to address critical challenges in maritime security and the blue economy. With an emphasis on promoting cooperation and displaying cutting-edge technology, IMDEC strives to assist in the development of a safe and secure maritime environment in Africa.