WITEXPO holds summit for tech innovation, investments

WITEXPO holds summit for tech innovation, investments

World Innovation and Technology Expo (WITEXPO) to hold World Innovation and Technology Expo & Investment Summit 2023 themed “Accelerating Sustainable Growth through the Synergy of Technology Innovation and Investment,” from 10th August to 12 August, 2023.

WITEXPO is an initiative meant to serve as a springboard for innovations; to inform businesses to use and keep ahead of current technology; and to offer leading innovators the opportunity to present their work to a worldwide network of collaborators, investors, and clientele. WITEXPO was created with the goal of serving all of these purposes.

WITEXPO23 is set to feature the following:

Keynote speeches, to be given by well-known industry executives in the fields of science, technology, finance, and investing.

Discussions on various topics presented by professionals in the field  An exhibition showing the most innovative technologies.

Abstracts and Presentations of Research Papers Pitch sessions with potential investors for tech startups.

Discussions regarding new partnerships at a roundtable for investors.

Training workshops focusing on the use of systemics, informatics, and cybernetics in real-world settings

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Remarks from the Chairman of WITEXPO23

WITEXPO23 Chairman: Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan B.Sc., D.M.I.T., M.E., PhD, FIE

Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan B.Sc., D.M.I.T., M.E., PhD, FIE, the of Chairman, Pentagram Group of Companies and also the Chairman, World Innovation & Tech Expo said, “I am honored to welcome you to  World Innovation and Technology Expo and Investment Summit 2023, WITEXPO23. This grand event is jointly hosted by Anakosmos Hub in Ghana and Pentagram Technologies in India.”

He proceeded to list the areas of focus, “WITEXPO23 features a wide array of topics for presentation and discussions. The areas to be covered include System Architectures, ASIC Design, FPGA / CPLD Designs, Consumer Electronics, Control Systems, Numerical & Logical, Systems, Embedded Systems, Processors and EDA tools, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Lasers and Optical Systems, Parallel Architectures, Programmable DSPs and Applications, Systems on Chip Design, Soft Instruments, Test and Verification Tools / Development, Transaction Automation, VLSI Architectures, MEMS, Nano Technology, Molecular Electronic Devices, Systems Modeling and Simulation, Array processors, Space Surveillance Systems, Medical Instruments, Electronic Warfare Systems, Electronic Intelligence Systems, Molecular Electronics, Modern Communication Systems, Gene Processors, Image Acquisition Systems, Virtual Reality Systems, Wearable Computers, Network Components and Systems, Small Scientific Satellites, Space Systems , Space Radiation Effects on Integrated Biological Systems, Algorithms, Heuristic Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms, Theory of Computer Science, Factory automation, Military / Aerospace Applications, Electronic Intelligence in Combat Space, Guided / Autonomous Weapon Control, Multi sensor Fusion, Artificial Intelligence & Applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control, Cellular Automata and Applications, Transport Systems Control, Machine Learning, Human Computer Interfaces, Human interaction in complex systems, Visual System Cybernetics, Machine Vision, Cybernetics of Living Matter, Symbolic Computing, Molecular Computing, Quantum Computing, Electronic Counter / Support Measures, Robotics and Machine Vision, Pattern Recognition and Analysis, Real Time Operating System, Satellite Imaging, Astronomy and Space Science, Stafford Beer’s Cybernetics, Biomedical Engineering Applications, Signal and Image Processing, Multimedia & Virtual Reality, Computer Network, Protocols and Security, Radar / Sonar Signal Processing, Optical Character Recognition, Speech / Audio Signal Processing, Data Communication Methodology, Management and Information Technology, Telemetry, Space Surveillance Techniques, Health Care Informatics, Image Compression Techniques, Coding and Cryptography, Digital Watermarking Methods, CDMA / Mobile Communication Techniques, Celestial Informatics, Mathematical Theories, Vedic Sciences, Machine Translation of Languages, Knowledge-based Drug Discovery, Micro Array Image Analysis.”

The WITEXPO23 Chairman was also pleased to share that in the coming days, renowned professors and industrialists will take the stage to deliver their invited keynote addresses, during which they will share their incomparable insights and years of experience with the audience. 

The WITEXPO summit will have attractive Virtual exhibitions in addition to seminars, workshops, and presentations of research paper he assured. These stunning Virtual exhibitions will allow businesses from all over the world to promote their innovative goods and services, thereby establishing a dynamic marketplace of ideas and opportunities. 

It will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for investors and finance industry professionals to investigate potential organisations for the goal of making investments, thereby forging relationships and collaborations that have the potential to mould the future of technology- and innovation-driven businesses.

Knowledge, innovation, and collaboration will all come together at this year’s WITEXPO23. It provides a venue for meaningful debate and exchange of ideas, and it symbolises the coming together of different cultures, ideas, and goals. 

“I invite each and every one of you to mark your calendars for this monumental event. Let us come together, united in our pursuit of technological advancement, sustainable growth, and strategic investments. WITEXPO23 promises to be an unforgettable experience, where ideas flourish, networks thrive, and the future unfolds,” he concluded.

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Remark from the Vice Chairman of WITEXPO23

Vice Chairman of WITEXPO23: Mr. Emmanuel Atsu

Mr Emmanuel Atsu who is the Chairman and CEO of Anakosmos Group and also the Vice Chairman of WITEXPO23 said, “I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you as we gather here at WITEXPO23 to explore the remarkable synergy between technology, innovation, and investments and their pivotal role in driving sustainable growth.”

“In this era of unprecedented advancements, we cannot overlook the profound impact that technology and innovation have on shaping our world. From artificial intelligence to renewable energy solutions, we are witnessing a convergence of cutting-edge innovations that are transforming industries at an astounding pace. These advancements hold the key to addressing the significant challenges our world faces, from climate change to social inequality and extreme poverty.”

He also mentioned that it is essential to recognise that technological advancement and innovative thinking cannot, on their own, ensure a sustainable future. It is necessary to have a holistic approach that includes strategic investments in order to realise the full potential of these things. The engine that propels sustainable development is investments, which play an essential role. The members of the WITEXPO team are aware of the significance of allocating financial resources to businesses and projects that make use of cutting-edge technology and innovation in order to produce long-term benefits, such as the creation of wealth, the advancement of social equity, and the mitigation of poverty.

It is possible to establish an ecosystem that enables entrepreneurs, promotes ground-breaking research, and pushes the development of transformative solutions if one cultivates a culture of investment that embraces technology and innovation. This may be done by developing a culture that embraces technology and innovation.

He continued, “Throughout WITEXPO23, we will delve into practical applications of systemics, informatics, and cybernetics – disciplines that provide invaluable insights into enhancing industry growth. We will explore the transformative potential of digitalization, automation, and data-driven decision-making.”

“As leaders and visionaries, it is our duty to harness the power of technology and investments to create a positive impact. Let us remember that technology and sustainable growth are not mere buzzwords but guiding principles that can reshape the trajectory of our planet. Together, let us embrace the opportunities before us, armed with the conviction that through the convergence of technology, sustainable growth, and strategic investments, we can build a future that is brighter, more inclusive, and more sustainable for all.”

He ended his speech by saying, “Thank you, and let us embark on this remarkable journey together, committed to the principles that unite us.”

You can participate in WITEXPO23 as a partner, exhibitor, speaker or volunteer. Don’t miss out on being a part of this technological revolution. Hurry, get registered and secure your spot. For more information, visit: www.worldinotechexpo.com.