Uber introduces audio recording feature in Ghana

Uber introduces audio recording feature in Ghana

Uber has introduced a new safety feature of  Audio Recording in Ghana. This feature, which drivers have been requesting based on feedback from roundtable meetings, enables both passengers and drivers to record audio during trips.

As part of Uber’s continued attempts to raise the bar on safety, this new opt-in audio recording feature has been successfully implemented in nations including South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria.

Additional safety features include the option for either the passenger or the driver to record the audio of the journey by tapping the shield symbol and choosing “Record Audio” before or during the ride. Both passengers and drivers have the ability to record trip audio, and drivers may even have the function engaged while they’re actively looking for rides. 

Drivers, as well as passengers, will be aware that this option is available, but only the passenger will get a warning if they are paired with a driver who has recorded any audio. When the function is activated, the driver will be unaware of it. Neither Uber nor any other party can access the audio while it is saved on the encrypted files on the devices of the passenger and driver. 

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Improving the Uber app users conduct

The only way to hear the audio is to file a safety report, which may be done by either the rider or the driver. They may simply attach the audio file, and a skilled Uber agent will decrypt it and listen to it before taking any further action. This convenient in-app approach uses the driver’s or rider’s own phone, eliminating the need for any extra tools.

General Manager for Uber in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire Marjorie Saint-Lot says, “We believe that this feature will improve the conduct of users of the Uber app, as drivers and riders hold each other accountable at every step of the way.” We have seen a lot of success with this in other areas and would want to see it catch on in Ghana.

In the viewpoint of Uber, the audio recording will increase the credibility of the reports of unsafe conditions made by both passengers and drivers. This implies that both passengers and drivers may keep a record of their journey and submit it with their safety fines. When a passenger or driver reports a safety incident and attaches a recording to it, they provide Uber permission to review the file.

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Prioritizing driver and passenger’s safety 

“Verbal altercations, sexual misconduct and other violations can be difficult to investigate without evidence, however, we are confident that through this new feature, will assist Uber in adjudicating such incidents to ensure that the appropriate action is taken,” says Saint-Lot.

The addition of Audio Recording follows the release of Safety Check-Up, which prompts users to activate and enable in-app safety features including Women Rider Preference, Trusted Contacts, Verify My Ride, and RideCheck.

When it comes to safety on the road, Uber is committed to doing its part to provide drivers and passengers with the reassurance they deserve. 

At the end of his talk, Saint-Lot said, “We’re continually looking for ways to increase safety on the app. All journeys are recorded through GPS, RideCheck flags any odd detours, family, and friends can see your location and travel in real-time, and you have instant access to confidential aid in an emergency via the app. We’re committed to developing and releasing further features that will make Uber safer and more reliable for our customers.