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President Tinubu signs executive orders to boost Nigerian technology sector

President Bola Tinubu has taken significant steps to support the technology sector and promote digital transformation by signing a series of executive orders. 

These orders aim to create a favourable environment for technology companies, encourage innovation, and enhance the overall technological infrastructure in Nigeria. 

Suspension of the 5% Excise Tax on Telecommunication Services

One of the pivotal executive orders signed by President Tinubu is the suspension of the 5% excise tax on telecommunication services. 

This decision is expected to provide much-needed relief to telecommunications companies and subsequently benefit consumers. 

By suspending the tax, the government aims to facilitate increased investment in improving telecommunications infrastructure and expanding connectivity across the country. 

This move can lead to enhanced internet access, improved communication networks, and better quality services for both businesses and individuals. It also sets the stage for a more competitive telecommunications industry, fostering innovation and driving technological advancements.

Recognizing the vital role of technology companies in driving economic growth and innovation, President Tinubu’s executive orders include measures to streamline regulatory processes for these entities. 

The government acknowledges that cumbersome bureaucratic procedures can hinder the growth of technology businesses. 

Therefore, the executive orders aim to simplify and expedite processes related to business registration, licensing, and permits for technology companies. By reducing regulatory burdens, the government intends to create a more business-friendly environment that encourages entrepreneurship, attracts investments, and promotes technological innovation.

Read also: Tinubu signs Data Protection Bill into law

Encouraging Research and Development (R&D) in Technology

President Tinubu’s executive orders also emphasize the importance of research and development (R&D) in the technology sector. 

The government recognizes that fostering a culture of innovation requires investment in R&D activities. These orders seek to create incentives and support mechanisms to encourage technology companies to engage in research, development, and innovation initiatives. 

By promoting R&D, the government aims to stimulate the creation of new technologies, products, and services that can drive economic growth, create high-skilled jobs, and position Nigeria as a leader in the global technology landscape.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Measures

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity has become a critical concern. President Tinubu’s executive orders address the need to enhance cybersecurity measures across the country.

 The government recognizes the importance of safeguarding digital infrastructure, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring the privacy and security of individuals and businesses. These orders emphasize the need for collaboration between government agencies, technology companies, and cybersecurity experts to develop robust cybersecurity frameworks, establish effective incident response mechanisms, and promote cybersecurity awareness and education initiatives.

 By strengthening cybersecurity measures, the government aims to create a secure digital environment that inspires confidence among technology companies and users alike.

Impact and Outlook

President Tinubu’s executive orders demonstrate a commitment to promoting the technology sector and driving digital transformation in Nigeria. 

The suspension of the excise tax on telecommunication services is expected to stimulate investments, enhance connectivity, and improve the quality of telecommunication services. 

The streamlined regulatory processes for technology companies will encourage entrepreneurship, attract investments, and foster a vibrant technology ecosystem. Additionally, the emphasis on research and development and the strengthening of cybersecurity measures will contribute to innovation, job creation, and the overall resilience of the technology sector.

To ensure successful implementation, it will be crucial for the government to establish effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Regular assessments and feedback from technology companies, industry experts, and relevant stakeholders will help identify challenges and make necessary adjustments to the executive orders. 

Furthermore, fostering collaboration and partnerships between the public and private sectors will be essential in driving technological advancements, promoting knowledge sharing, and leveraging expertise.

Conclusively, President Tinubu’s executive orders mark a significant step forward in supporting the technology sector and promoting digital transformation in Nigeria. By suspending the excise tax, streamlining regulatory processes, encouraging research and development, and strengthening cybersecurity measures, the government aims to create an enabling environment for technology companies to thrive, drive innovation, and contribute to economic growth. 

With robust implementation strategies and stakeholder collaboration, these executive orders have the potential to position Nigeria as a technology leader and propel the nation into a digital future.