Kenya's ICT Authority seeks public engagement on key regulatory frameworks to advance the ICT industry

Kenya’s ICT Authority seeks public engagement on key regulatory frameworks to advance the ICT industry

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is seeking public input on three major regulatory approaches aimed at promoting the expansion of the ICT industry.

In a public notice dated December 23, 2024, the three regulatory initiatives include the Unified Licensing Framework (ULF), Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) and the Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) framework.

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The Unified Licensing Framework

The first is the telecommunications market structure review, which aims to reconsider the technology-neutral Unified Licensing Framework (ULF), which has been in place for more than ten years.

Per the present ICT sector strategy, the review will propose new licensing areas, clarify the scope of the various licenses, and address and remove any operational and market entrance hurdles that have been found over time.

It is anticipated that the opinions of the stakeholders would enhance the review procedure under the Constitution’s mandate that the public be included in the formulation of public policy. Comments from stakeholders are due by January 23, 2025.

The Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting

Regarding the proposed revised minimum technical standards and requirements for the second-generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) receivers, the Authority is simultaneously soliciting feedback from interested parties.

To prepare for the digital migration that was put into effect in 2015 in compliance with the international deadline for the switch-off of analogue television, Kenya adopted the DVB-T2 standard for terrestrial digital television broadcasting.

To make digital receivers available locally for the reception of digital terrestrial television transmissions, the Authority released minimum technical criteria for DVB-T2 Digital Set Top Boxes (STB) and Integrated Digital Television (iDTV) over the same period.

‘‘The proposed update will ensure that only those digital receivers that comply with the current technical standards will be approved for use in Kenya,’’ says the Authority in the notice.

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The technical improvements that have since been implemented in the terrestrial digital television broadcasting sector are being included in the DVB-T2 technical specifications and criteria.

It is expected that television viewers will be able to take advantage of new features that have been made available by technological developments on digital terrestrial platforms if the improved standards are put into practice. The comments must be submitted by January 15, 2025.

The Digital Sound Broadcasting

The Authority has also created the relevant license templates for the DSB infrastructure and services in preparation for the implementation of the DSB licensing framework in the 2025–2026 fiscal year, after creating a Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) framework to direct the launch of digital radio broadcasting services in Kenya.

The deadline for submitting input is January 17, 2025, and the Authority is looking for stakeholder advice on ten proposed licensing categories within the DSB framework.