How to make money as a digital writer in 2024

How to make money as a digital writer in 2024

Even in the year 2024, one can embark on a career in writing and experience the life-altering power of words. Writing isn’t only about making money off of marketing; it’s also about solving problems and connecting with readers who may be interested in purchasing the products you recommend.

Being a writer entrepreneur means you get to decide how much money you make, constrained only by your unique viewpoint, beliefs, skill set, and experience in the real world. Here is how you can make money from this path:

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Become a book author

A writer can also earn money by writing books. You have the option to use traditional publishing methods or self-publish to accomplish this. Putting your own book out into the world is a breeze these days. If you live in a country like mine, where Amazon isn’t available, you can still publish your own book through one of the many print-on-demand services available.

And if you want your book to be a New York Times Best Seller, a self-development book, or a book about personal finance, then you should only accept a conventional publishing deal.

Think about self-publishing instead of traditional publishing deals if making money is your main concern. When you self-publish, you retain full control over your sales and get a much larger cut of the profits than with traditional publishing deals.

Master a variety of writing styles

If you want to earn a lot from writing content, you need to be able to write in a variety of styles. You can consider the following areas of expertise:

First, there’s copywriting, which is about making content people want to read for marketing reasons. Copywriters who increase conversions and sales command a premium salary from companies. Your earning potential can skyrocket if you master the art of persuasive copy.

One potentially lucrative niche is the creation of speeches for politicians, business leaders, and other public figures. Good communicators are always in demand, and those who can craft engaging speeches can charge top dollar.

Technical writers draught descriptions of hardware, software, and procedures (B. Technical Writing). These documents are essential for businesses to stay in compliance with regulations and project an image of professionalism. You can become an authority in your industry by focusing on technical writing.

Scriptwriting: People with experience penning screenplays for movies and podcasts are in great demand. Scriptwriting can lead to additional income sources through video content production if you possess an innate talent for storytelling.

With the proliferation of ebooks, content creators now have a platform to display their skills while collecting handsome royalties. Think about self-publishing or collaborating with publishers after researching a niche where your expertise shines.

Nigerian AI app LexiGenius helps with writing

General tips for achieving success in online writing

It takes more than talent to make money off of your creative abilities; you also need to master communication skills like public speaking, writing, and marketing. If you want your freelance business to succeed, you must acquire the skills of copywriting, sales, and direct response marketing.

As an internet writer, the speaker emphasises the significance of proactive and creative approaches by sharing their dogged pursuit of clients through methods such as cold emailing, cold calling, networking, and even taking phone numbers from vehicle graphics. You can make a ton of money if you gradually amass a respectable readership, introduce a new product, and succeed in getting 80% of the things right.

Internet writers can grow their audience and income consistently because they control the product and the traffic, unlike traditional jobs that have fixed salaries. You can increase your income as an online writer by freeing up more time, taking on fewer clients, and charging more by transforming your products and services into digital courses.

Better efficiency and more money can be yours when you switch from freelancing to selling digital goods and consulting.