Ghana To Develop Regulation On Artificial Intelligence

Ghana To Develop Regulation On Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and its Development In Africa

In Africa, many governments are building up Artificial Intelligence ecosystems. Artificial Intelligence holds promise in countries where governments have made technological development a national priority.

Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia, and Nigeria are the African countries in which the push for technological advancement is most aggressive. These governments are taking concerted measures to stimulate innovation and to improve data protection, research, and development.

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence In Africa

Artificial Intelligence is supported by national strategies to capitalize on a 10-year global boom. As a result, African nations are taking steps to commercialize Artificial Intelligence research and development.

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence In Africa

The success of mobile technologies across Africa is prompting speculation among Tech investors about whether Artificial Intelligence applications will take root in Africa.


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Artificial intelligence systems filter emails, recommend items for purchase, provide legal advice and drive cars. Carrying out these basic everyday tasks, Artificial Intelligence is bound to be wildly accepted by the African populace.

Ghana And Artificial Intelligence Development

In 2019, 300 Ghanian youths were trained in Artificial Intelligence through the Ghana Tech Lab initiative to upskill, develop and grow viable start-ups that solve pertinent problems in the country. This development has improved the pace of Ghana’s Tech Sector growth hence, the need for regulatory action.


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The Deputy Minister for Communications and Digitalisation, Ama Pomaah Boateng, in a speech at the Data Protection Week Celebration in Accra, Ghana, explained the need for the regulation of Ghana’s Artificial Intelligence.


Artificial intelligence works because a lot of personal data is fed into it, and with that comes privacy concerns over what happens to the data. The move to create regulatory guidelines on the use of Artificial Intelligence is in anticipation of Ghana’s technological advancement.